axa-gulf-complaints-form-web Portlet

Submit a complaint

At GIG, we are committed to providing you with the highest level of customer service. We also realise that from time to time, things can go wrong. If this happens, we would like to hear about it. Usually, we can resolve most issues or queries immediately, so please contact our call centre, or visit your local GIG branch. However, if you feel your issue requires escalation, please raise a formal complaint below.

Personal information
Format +974000000000
axa-gulf-complaints-form-web Portlet
Complainant details
axa-gulf-complaints-form-web Portlet
Policy information
Your complaint

Please provide the background and details of your complaint in the box below.

These details may include dates that things have happened on, who you have spoken to about this issue already, and what action has been taken so far. If your complaint relates to a claim, please include the claim reference number.

Please enter only alpha numeric values or the following special characters ?()&!+#. Any other special characters will be considered invalid.

Only JPG, JPEG, PNG, PDF, DOC, DOCX files.
Maximum 2 mb.


When you submit a complaint we will contact you within one working day to acknowledge your complaint and provide you with your complaint reference number. We will also explain the next steps in the process and provide you with details on how you can contact us to discuss your complaint.

We will endeavor to complete our investigation and share with you the outcome of your complaint within 5 working days. If this is not possible, we will let you know and keep you updated throughout the process.

Your complaint will always be treated fairly and confidentially. Once your issue has been resolved, your feedback will be used to help us understand how we can improve.


If you are dissatisfied with our final response or dissatisfied with any delay in our response (beyond 4 calendar weeks) you may refer your complaint to the Insurance Regulator.


You may do so by sending details of your complaint, stating the GIG Complaint Reference Number, to the relevant Regulator:

For all Qatar Insurance Policies, you can contact the Qatar Financial Centre Regulatory Authority (QFCRA) using the following details


Telephone: +974 4495 6888

Click here to view our complaints process flowchart.